Awakening Posts

Benefits of Meditation
What Is Meditation? The need to meditate is present in every human being because it is a natural tendency of human life to find joy and peace within your life....
Benefits of Meditation
What Is Meditation? The need to meditate is present in every human being because it is a natural tendency of human life to find joy and peace within your life....

What Are You Grateful For?
Did You Know? Spending only 5-10 minutes in the space of Gratitude, such as thinking of your passions and the little things in your life. This thought of gratidude...
What Are You Grateful For?
Did You Know? Spending only 5-10 minutes in the space of Gratitude, such as thinking of your passions and the little things in your life. This thought of gratidude...

Earth Day Every Day!
Every day should be celebrated as Earth Day, not just one day of the year to express our gratitude for our Mother Gaia. Here are a list of things you...
Earth Day Every Day!
Every day should be celebrated as Earth Day, not just one day of the year to express our gratitude for our Mother Gaia. Here are a list of things you...

✨️Remember... As individual expressions from Wholeness/Oneness Source Fractal, we are all on separate missions, although some souls may have aligned goals, while others-selves are here with other missions. All these...
✨️Remember... As individual expressions from Wholeness/Oneness Source Fractal, we are all on separate missions, although some souls may have aligned goals, while others-selves are here with other missions. All these...

How Often Are Your Aware Of Your Breath?
How often do you notice your breath throughout the day?The air that we breathe carrying the oxygen required for our cells to be healthy and creates balance beyond our human...
How Often Are Your Aware Of Your Breath?
How often do you notice your breath throughout the day?The air that we breathe carrying the oxygen required for our cells to be healthy and creates balance beyond our human...

Green Facts
Did You Know? A single plant is able to absorb 10.08% of CO2! That means if your plant 42 of these around your indoor enviornment, then you're covering the emissions released...
Green Facts
Did You Know? A single plant is able to absorb 10.08% of CO2! That means if your plant 42 of these around your indoor enviornment, then you're covering the emissions released...