As individual expressions from Wholeness/Oneness Source Fractal, we are all on separate missions, although some souls may have aligned goals, while others-selves are here with other missions.
All these paths serve the grand purpose of simply experiencing, that is equally valuable.
Some of the goals are to reach organic ascension and Remember, allowing higher DNA strands to activate to the 12th strand and beyond.
The 8th DNA strand activation is where the DNA imprint of the morphogenetic field is repaired, and many souls have set their goal to assist others in Activating those strands.
As individuals on our mission, our souls may of been affected from past souls decisions that aligned with that current contract at that space/time.
Some of these decisions formed a barrier of remembering your soul mission, as well as stunting the proper ascension to return to Source and continue on the expansive infinite journey. This can be referred to as The Fall, where we have chosen to forget these Karmic cycles, in order to know ones-self even more.
Some individuals have chosen to help awaken those other-selves who have been blocked. They assist in healing their DNA to remove the blocks in order to reach organic ascension.
This can be through teaching lessons of unity, compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness, etc. These shifts in feelings/emotions are what activate the DNA.
Once these barriers have been lifted and the distortions are no longer in place, the souls consciousness is no longer a threat to interplanetary security, the seals and veils that were in place will be lifted. Ascension can continue.
We are all at different points of this larger simultaneous journey of Oneness.
Some of us healing the journey to allow the continuation, others creating, while some others are working out other aspects to this Whole, moving pieces to allow the Return to Source.
This is managed by the sacred Law of One, and we all play a part of this grand ever evolving weaving tapestry of possibilities and probabilities, all from a Oneness perspective simply experiencing and expanding.
All paths lead to this infinite expansion.
However the more light quotient that is accumulated within our cells and DNA strands, the more quantum blue star phire we have activated, allowing us to match our higher-self timelines, multidimensional timelines, or simply zero point, where all things exist in this space, at quantum speeds!
This is instantaneous. The vibration of our DNA, tunes to these frequencies and creates that aligned reality.
Remember... we are all individual expressions of this Wholeness.
Feel through your heart, the rest will align and be recovered from within.✨️
Awake Within. I AMM.